Pulsed light hair removal: everything you need to know

Pulsed light hair removal is gaining new fans every day, and with good reason. This simple and affordable method eliminates stubborn hairs permanently, without a professional esthetician! Here are four Q & A’s to tell the whole story.

How does it work?

Pulsed light hair-removal devices target hair while it’s growing by emitting a short blast of intense light which, once absorbed by the hair, is converted into heat, destroying the hair follicle–the cavity where the hair is born and grows. Burned off at the roots, the hair falls out and doesn’t grow back!

Once only offered in professional dermatology clinics and beauty salons, pulsed light hair-removal devices are now available for your home. Best of all, they’re compact, easy to use and safe.

Who are they for?

This method is good for most people, however…

  • Results aren’t the same on light-coloured hair. Because the light is captured by the pigment cells in the hair, it’s most effective on light skin with dark hair. If you have white hair or you recently used a decolouring solution, this method won’t be as effective.
  • There are certain contraindications. Because of the risk of burns, pulsed light hair-removal treatments must never be used on recently tanned skin. Pregnant women and people with diabetes should also avoid this type of hair removal. Lastly, the use of photo-sensitive medications and anti-coagulants is contra-indicated during pulsed-light treatments.
Who are they for?

Does it hurt?

Most of the time not at all! You might feel a little tingling sensation or a very slight burn, but it’s nothing that isn’t tolerable. If you find that your underarm or bikini areas are more sensitive, don’t worry, that’s completely normal.

Following treatment, you might experience a little redness or swelling, but both will disappear quickly. You can resume normal activities immediately following treatment but you must keep the treated areas completely out of sunlight!

Is it effective?

The speed of the treatment depends on your type of skin, the colour of your hair and the depth of the root. On average, you’ll need six to eight treatments to get rid of the hair permanently. You will, however, see a marked difference after just two or three treatments.

Contrary to waxing, which works best on long hair, pulsed light hair removal works on the hair follicles, so it doesn’t matter how long the hair is. If you’re tired of seeing hair during the treatment, you can always shave it off during treatments.


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Pulsed light hair removal: everything you need to know

Pulsed light hair removal is gaining new fans every day, and with good reason. This simple and affordable method eliminates stubborn hairs permanently, without a professional esthetician! Here are four Q & A’s to tell the whole story.
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