Instead of keeping your photos on your smartphone, print them and show them off. Here’s an original and easy way how!
The material:
- A large recycled frame that you can paint or alter how you want. Don’t have any? Head to a flea market and you’ll find plenty!
- Hemp string
- A staple gun for crafts
- A self-levelling picture hanger
- Clothespins
Step 1: The pictures
- Start by sorting through the pictures you want to display. To make your picture collage even more memorable, pick a theme or a main subject (vacations, landscapes, moments with your loved one, culinary creations, celebrations…).
- Once you’ve picked the photos you want, save your Instagram pictures in a single file on your computer.
- To capture every detail, pick a square print format, either 8 x 8, 10 x 10 or 12 x 12. To make your work of art even more cohesive, use one single print format – either classic style or Polaroid style.

Step 2: The collage
- Remove the backing board and glass from the frame and keep only the border. That way you’ll be able to create a transparent effect on your wall.
- Measure the length of string you’ll need to create a few clotheslines in your frame. Keep in mind you need to leave at least 15 cm (6 in.) between each level.
- Secure the strings horizontally to the back of the frame with the staple gun. Don’t have one? You can also use thumbtacks.
- Nail the self-levelling hanger in back of the frame, in the middle of the upper part.
- Create your picture collage by using the clothespins to hang your Instagram pictures on the string.
- Hang your frame on the wall and admire your work!