Have a safe Halloween!

This year, safe trick-or-treating requires paying attention to a few special health precautions in addition to the usual safety ones. Here are some guidelines to follow for scarily safe Halloween festivities!

Take proper precautions during and after your trick-or-treating

  • Don’t give or collect treats if you or a member of your family have symptoms of COVID-19, or if you must respect isolation or quarantine measures.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before trick-or-treating and afterwards.
  • Bring a hydroalcoholic gel to disinfect your hands as you’re walking around.
  • Make sure everyone—trick-or-treaters AND those who greet them—wears a protective mask that safely covers their nose and mouth (Halloween masks don't count!).
  • Only go trick-or-treating with people in your household and make sure you stay together at all times.
  • Don’t enter the houses and avoid shouting or singing close from people who distribute treats.
  • Respect a physical distance of at least 1 meter from anyone outside your bubble while walking and stopping at houses.

Plan the giving and eating of treats

  •  Choose prepackaged candies in individual portions that don’t require a lot of handling.
  • If possible, arrange the packets separately on a table, and not in a large bowl to prevent kids from sticking their hands into them all at once.
  • Disinfect the bags when you get home or leave the candies in quarantine for 24 hours before eating them. (You might want to have some of your own treats on hand so the kids have something to eat when they get home.)

Choose an appropriate costume

  • Incorporate your mask into the costume, but leave your eyes and ears free to see and hear well.
  • Avoid long clothes to avoid tripping.
  • Choose bright colours and add fluorescent bands, if necessary, to remain visible.

Walk around safely

  • Bring a flashlight to see and be seen more easily.
  • Only walk on one side of the street at a time and avoid crossing unnecessarily.
  • Cross streets at marked intersections and obey all traffic signs.

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Have a safe Halloween!

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