Our poor feet! They get walked all over! They support our weight all day, spend most of their lives in socks or shoes and are rarely get the TLC they deserve. It's time to stand up and give our feet the care they deserve! How? Easy, just follow these simple home-pedicure pointers.
1. Soak
Start by soaking your feet in a tub filled with warm water for about ten minutes to soften your skin and get it ready for the next steps. Feel free to add a few drops of essential oil or nourishing oil to make the experience even more enjoyable and relaxing.
2. Start with your nails
Are your toes still showing flecks of the nail polish you applied a couple of months ago? Maybe it’s time to give them a fresh look! Stary by gently rubbing them with a cotton pad soaked in acetone-free nail-polish remover. This is also a good time to trim and file them if they’re too long.
The right tools
- Straight-edged scissors are the ideal tool for trimming your toenails because they provide more precision and freedom than nail clippers, whose clean, straight lines are better suited to your fingernails. Remember, though, never cut your nails flush with the skin on your toes or you could end up with ingrown toenails!
- A double-sided file is ideal for finishing work. Use the coarse side to create the shape of your nails (square or round, depending on your preference and the shape of your toes). Use the finer side to soften the angles if necessary.
3. Exfoliate
- Use a pumice stone to remove the callouses (dead skin that has thickened and hardened) on your heel and under your toes. Rub the rough areas from bottom to top, avoiding circular or back-and-forth movement. If you feel any pain, stop immediately: you’ve gone deeper than dead skin.
- Next, give your feet a gentle scrub. Apply an exfoliating product to your entire foot, focusing on the areas that have just been filed, then rinse completely.

4. Polish
After you dry your feet carefully…
- Remove the excess skin from around your nails with a cuticle pusher and small scissors.
- If your nails are streaked, give them a quick buff; nail polish is easier to apply when your nails are smooth.
- Apply a base coat to strengthen and protect your nails.
- Apply one or two coats of colour.
- Seal the job using a finishing coat to increase resistance and ensure optimal hold.
Be sure to apply thin coats and let each one dry before applying the next. In a hurry? Try quick-dry formulas—there are lots available!

5. Moisturize
Once your nail polish is completely dry, apply a generous layer of moisturizing cream designed just for your feet. To optimise its effectiveness, apply the cream before you go to bed and wear socks to help maximize absorption.
You might not have enough time to give yourself a full pedicure whenever you need one. But don’t worry. You can still make proper foot care part of your beauty routine by doing things like buffing and exfoliating once a week after you shower, or moisturizing your feet nightly and trimming your nails as soon as they become a little too long.