Nobody likes discovering a stray hair on their chin, rogue hairs on their legs or fuzz on their face. But you can rest assured, there’s a way to easily remove them in the comfort of your own home.
Bleaching cream
Bleaching cream can be used anywhere on your body but it's particularly effective on small areas with dark hairs, to lighten the colour of your mustache (yes, your mustache!), or to camouflage the hair that sticks out of your belly button. Best of all, it works quickly. Simply apply it, let it sit for ten minutes, rinse it off and you're done!

Our suggestions
Simple hair removal
What if you don’t want to bleach unwanted hair, but remove it completely? Easy. Try a hair-removal cream that dissolves the visible part of the hair by attacking the keratin. For best results, exfoliate your skin before and after you use the cream. And, because this type of product can irritate your skin, make sure you apply an alcohol-free moisturizer to the area to gently nourish your skin. Some hair-removal creams come with protective balm so you can get both jobs done at once!
Our suggestions
Wax strips for peach fuzz
Waxing remains one of the most popular hair-removal methods. And with good reason: it removes hair (and worry) for up to 15 days. In terms of application, you've got your choice. If you don't have any circulatory problems and you're not afraid of burning yourself, you could use hot wax. It's ideal for legs and removes any hair, no matter how long or short. Or, try cold wax, which is a good choice if you're in a hurry. It removes hair that's at least 2 mm in length and also quickly removes that fuzz above your upper lip.
Good to know...
- On large areas, it's best to do one patch at a time and to only do areas where the hair is no longer than 7 mm. You'll get much cleaner... and less painful results.
- Always apply the wax in thin coats following the direction of hair growth. Then pull against the hair while pulling the skin in the opposite direction.
- After hair removal, always soothe your skin with an emollient to reduce the risk of red patches.
Our suggestions
Practical tweezers
To help define your eyebrows, retouch armpits, bikini areas or your upper lip, or to get rid of that rogue hair that shows up in the absolute worst place ever, tweezers are the ideal solution! Use flat-head tweezers for stubborn hair and beveled or curved models for hair that's harder to reach.
Good to know...
Most of us are tempted to pull hair out in one swift move; but it's a good idea to go more slowly and gently, pulling the hair out in the direction of growth. Otherwise, the root can remain lodged in the skin and become ingrown. To minimize the risk of infection, spray an antiseptic onto your tweezers after every use.
Our suggestions
High-tech hair removal
Looking for a more permanent solution? Consider Flash & Go! This new device emits light pulses that reach the root of the hair to prevent re-growth. It can be used safely anywhere on the body, including sensitive areas like the bikini line and the upper lip. Best of all, it works quickly: 20 minutes is all it takes to do an entire leg!