Your roots are in for a surprise! Our tutorial has everything you need to know to retouch your roots between colourings! Just follow the guide!
- Part your hair into four sections: first vertically, by following an imaginary line from your nose to your neck; then horizontally, from ear to ear.
- Apply the colour strand by strand, starting at the front of your head. To maximize the effectiveness of the colour, use thinner groups of strands. Here’s a tip: if you can’t see through the strands of hair, take a smaller bunch. Test with your fingers to make sure the colour is evenly distributed, especially in the back where you can’t see well.

- Make sure you apply the colour to your roots only: if you go over parts you’ve coloured in the past, your hair may become too dark.
- To avoid staining your forehead and temples, just apply little petroleum jelly as a protective barrier along the edges of your roots.
- Once all your roots are covered, spritz a little water onto your head and run a detangling comb through your hair to comb it without removing the colour.
- Emulsify gently, as if you were shampooing, then leave for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the contrast between the colour you’re using and your natural hair shade.
- Rinse with lukewarm water (it it’s too hot, you’ll wash out the colour), then style as usual.